Employment Services

ACCES Employment is a registered charity, registered as (A.C.C.E.S.) Accessible Community Counselling and Employment Services
- Employment Ontario Services
- Job Search Workshops
- Mentoring Programs
- Programs for Women
- Programs for Youth
- Bridging Programs (Newcomer)
- Pre-Arrival Programs (Newcomer)
- Entrepreneurship Programs (Newcomer)
- Workplace Communication & Language (Newcomer)
- Construction Trades Program
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 416-921-1800
Email: info@accesemployment.ca

Blue Door is a not-for-profit registered charitable agency governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Blue Door has been an integral part of the community providing emergency housing for the homeless population of York Region. Blue Door has expanded to include emergency housing programs for families and youth.
- Construction Social Enterprise
- Trades Program
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-898-1015
Toll Free: 1-888-554-5525
Fax: 905-898-6414

Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is the most established, most extensive community mental health organization in Canada. CMHA provides advocacy, programs and resources that help to prevent mental health problems and illnesses, support recovery and resilience, and enable all Canadians to flourish and thrive
- Employment Supports
- Mental Health Counseling
- Community Connections
- Transition Services
- Gender Affirmation
- Precarious Housing
- Early Psychosis Intervention
- Mental Health & Justice
- Mobile Youth Walk in Clinic
- Newcomer Health & Wellbeing
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-841-3977

Community Living York South is a not-for-profit organization that provides support services to children, youth, adults, and seniors who have an intellectual disability and live in Southern York Region. Support is also provided to the families of those we support. We support people to live, learn, work, and participate in their community.
- Employment Services for People with Disabilities
- Educational Services
- Recreational & Leisure Services
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-884-9110
Toll Free: 1-877-737-3475
Fax: 905-737-3284

COSTI strives to be a leader in community service by using a client focused, proactive, and innovative approach in planning, developing and delivering services. Programs ensure that regardless of language or cultural barriers, people who arrive in Canada can use their existing skills, learn new ones, and participate actively in all aspects of Canadian life
- Employment Services for Youth, Newcomers, and Adults
- English Language Training
- Family & Mental Health
- Settlement Services
- Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use
- Housing & Supports
- Refugee Services
- Senior Services
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 416.658.1600
Fax: 416.658.6590
Email: info@costi.org

The John Howard Society fills an important role in public education, community service and in pressing for reform in the criminal justice area
- Employment Services
- Direct Accountability Program
- Peer Support
- Reintegration Program
- Anger Management
- Partner Assault Response Program
- Counselling Services
- Violence Prevention
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-895-9943
Email: national@jhscan.wpengine.com

JVS Toronto enables people to maximize their potential at work and school. They help employers connect with the right human resources
- Resume Workshops
- Career Exploration Workshops
- Interview Skills Workshops
- LinkedIn Workshops
- Career Exploration & Counselling
- Employment Services for People with Disabilities
- Jewish Community Services
- Newcomer Employment Services
- Youth Employment Services
- Job Search Resources
Youth Reach Program:
One-to-one job search support and employment counselling
Youth Reach serves youth who’ve had personal challenges in life, including those who have experienced or are vulnerable to experiencing conflict with the law. Participants are provided with a variety of engaging services designed to build workplace skills and also enhance their employability and lifelong earning potential.
The Youth Reach counselor for Northern York Region regularly visits the Sutton Youth Shelter and also offers employment counselling and support to youth at Georgina high schools and will meet with eligible youth (between 15 and 30) in the Georgina Community. We provide both in person and online support.
You will get:
· Customized exploration of your workplace skills, interests, and job options
· Resume writing, interview preparation, and job search assistance
· Access to training and education programs
· Connections to appropriate programs and services
· Employment supports such as transportation fare, clothing, and work tools
· York Region North: 905-713-6244 (Georgina, East Gwillimbury, Newmarket, Aurora, King)
· York Region South: 647-462-8117 (Vaughan, Markham, Richmond Hill, Whitchurch-Stouffville)
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 416-787-1151
Email: services@jvstoronto.org

March of Dimes Canada is a leading national charity committed to championing equity, empowering ability, and creating real change that will help the more than six million people living with disabilities across the country unlock the richness of their lives
- Online Virtual Programs
- Connect & Share Program
- Employment Services Website
- Hi Tech Program
- Training Institute
- York University – Seneca College Attendant Care Program
- Tech For Impact Fund
- TELUS Tech for Good
- Personal Effectiveness Training Program
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: YES/NO
Contact Information:

RNC Employment Services offers a variety of employer programs and services including finding candidates, resume submission, organizing job fairs, assisting with hiring, and training incentives and more!
Services Offered:
- Employment Ontario Services
- Job Search Workshops
- Youth Matters Program
- Interview Techniques
- Job fairs
- Stress Management
- Resume Services
- Newcomer Employment Services
- Define Career Skills Services
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-727-3777
Fax: 905-727-8530
TTY: 905-727-6036
Email: info@rnces.ca

The Thornhill Employment Hub is committed to our vision of empowering people to explore potential and take control of their lives. Embracing a synergistic approach, our dedicated team work together to provide our clients with exceptional customer service, relevant and timely resources, and direction in achieving their goals
- One-on One Coaching
- Job Searching Workshops
- Job Interview Workshops
- Employment Ontario Programs
- Job Searching Tips & Resources
- Job Searching Access Tools Services
- Free Online Courses
- Second Career Information
- Employer Services
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-707-7332
Email: info@thornhillhub.com

The Welcome Centre Immigrant Services, Newcomers and immigrants can find all the services in one place. We are here to help you get the right information; and to find out about what other help is available in York Region and Durham Region
- Settlement Services
- Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada
- English Language Assessment
- Adult English Language Classes (Full-time and Part time)
- LINC and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
- Test Preparation for Learners (ESL)
- Enhanced Language Training (ELT)
- Literacy for Adults: English | Chinese
- Job Search Workshops Program
- Employment Support Services
- The Mentorship Program (Pickering only)
- TRIEC Mentoring Partnership
- Accreditation and Qualifications Information Services (AQIS)
- Accreditation Portfolio Workshop (component of AQIS)
- Care for Newcomer Children (only available for qualifying LINC participants)
- Community Resource Area Services
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 1-877-761-1155
Email: info@welcomecentre.ca

The Women’s Centre of York Region offers unique programming and services that address a range of circumstances, to women who need positive change. The goal is to fully support each woman on her personal journey of discovery, encouraging her to fully thrive
- Making Changes Life Skills
- Financial Empowerment
- Enterprising Careers
- Exploring Self Employment
- One-on-One Counselling
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-853-9270
Toll Free: 1-855-853-9270
Fax: 905-853-9271

YMCA Employment Services respond to the needs of unemployed and underemployed Canadians, especially youth, by providing much-needed employment programs to address some of the barriers in entering the labour market.
- Employment Ontario Services
- Youth Employment Programs
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-780-9622
Email: yorkjobs@ymcagta.org

360°kids offers young people a range of employment supports to help them acquire the training and skills needed to enter and stay in the labour market
- Youth Job Connection Programs
- Base 4 Success Program
- Every Bite Matters Program
- Specialized Training Employment Program
- Youth Job Connection Summer Program
- Youth Success Strategy Program
Newmarket Residents:
Are these services offered in Newmarket Ontario: YES
Are these services available in-person: YES
Are these services available online: YES
Do you need to travel to the service location to use these services: NO
Contact Information:
Phone: 905-475-6694
Fax: 905-475-5733

24/7 support for all life challenges
Contact Information:
Phone: 1-877-330-3213
Email: gethelp@211ontario.ca